Your audience WANTS to feel connected with you.
They NEED to feel seen,
that you know them -
who they are and where they come from.
Otherwise they may tune out,
lose trust in you.
and you lose the ability to serve them with your offer, to create the change, for them that they need, to create the profit and satisfaction that YOU need.
It is incredibly difficult to convince and convert, to inspire and influence without that connection.
And you really need to engage your audience right from the beginning - create that engaging connection.
Usually when I am preparing a speech or presentation, I imagine my audience, what they are thinking as I make my opening sentence, what I need to say that will connect, let them know that I see them, respect them, honour who they are
and this starts the creative juices that will power the words and the phrases that create a subtle but powerful connection and engagement.
It's really an intuitive process, but I have focussed it into a list of the audience characteristics that I use and that you can use to prompt your thinking.
You can download that audience analysis checklist, and it will be the basis of the first layer that will get your needs met, by making it clear that you respect them and theirs.
You could build your reputation as the expert in your field.
You could build your business.
You could build your brand as a leader worthy of respect and whom people want to follow
You could face any audience armed with a mindset and language to use that will engage with them and create trusting connection
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